SDS Conference Recap
Exactly one week ago today, I walked into a Juicy Flow session with @nadiainprogress. I had no idea what “Juicy Flow” meant, but I knew I needed to be there. In that session, I reclaimed my body. I danced with a stranger (@mistress_sheba). And I knew that something within me that had been stirring was emerging into light.
@sdscon was a departure from every other conference I’ve ever been to. As someone who entered this field via academia, it sometimes feels like the body gets lost in the conversations that seggs professionals have about seggsual health. @SDSCon was a return to the body. It demanded a dive into the erotic. It gently (and then not so gently) invited me to step into community in ways that I never could have expected. I cuddled with my internet friends, nourished new connections, and met some of my seggs-ed idols.
I’m still processing and integrating all that I learned last week, but here are the top 10 things I learned from @sdscon:
1. Pour from the overflow. (@askgoody)
2. Under promise, over rest. (@atltantra)
3. Seggs toys are assistive tech!!!!
4. Your seggs will improve when you shift away from goal-oriented seggs and the desire to move towards a specific outcome.
5. How to politely reject someone at a play party. (@badjewboy)
6. All of the shitty censoring we have to do also affects folks who use screenreaders.
7. How to use EFT tapping to heal trauma and unlock multiple O potential. (@iamcatherinedrysdale)
8. The name for the sacral chakra in Sanskrit means “one’s own place.” (@iamalexandriadanielle)
9. Deep thr**ting is a great way to stimulate the vagus nerve. 😎(@getrealwithdakota)
10. My body is MINE (@nadiainprogress)
Thank you, @1marlastewart (@velvetlipssxed) and @blackbettiee (, for the privilege of this community.
And last, but absolutely not least, thank you @latinegrasexologist for encouraging me to get out of my comfort zone and say YES. Add @sdscon to the list of ways that you’ve changed my life for the better (best). Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I’d like to close with a few notable quotes from some of the incredible humans I had the privilege of learning from:
“We’ve been tricked into thinking that the rational mind is smarter than the body.” - @atltantra
“If it’s not accessible, it’s not revolutionary.” - @askgoody
“Corn is entertainment, not education - You don’t take your kids to see Fast and Furious to learn how to drive.” - Andre Shakti